

We've got what you need!

Bharat Supply & Support of Military Materials and Equipment " BSS Materiel Limited " has been incorporated and established to undertake Designing, Manufacturing, Assembling and Testing of "Matériel" Military Materials and Equipment, with introducing advanced, new generation designs and technologies, to cater to requirements of the Indian Armed Forces, Para Military Forces and other Law Enforcement agencies, as well the civilian markets with dual use technologies. It has been established under the Defense Make in India and Startup India initiatives of the Government of India.

Founded by a team of progressive thinkers who aren't afraid to push beyond the current boundaries.

The Founder Promoters, Directors and majority Shareholders of BSS Materiel Limited are possessing rich experience, expertise and in-depth knowledge in this domain. The team consists of technology entrepreneur's, professionals and experts who are the most sought-after Design and Integration Consultants, Security and Automation experts, joined in by Finance & Legal professionals.

The Arms Act Amendment Bill 2015. enactment allows private industries to manufacture and proof test Small Arms and Ammunition including those being used by military. India’s defense requirements are currently catered largely by imports. The opening of this strategic defense sector with radical changes made in the FDI policy for private sector participation enables foreign original equipment manufacturers to enter into strategic partnerships with Indian companies, such as BSS Materiel Limited, leverage the domestic military and civilian markets as well as aim for global market.

The inventory of Small Arms in India is estimated at 5-6 million, having a life span of approximately 20 years. Taking into account the overall requirement of Small Arms by the military and Para-military forces, estimated at 3.0 million, India would need an annual Small Arms production capability of 0.15 million for the replacement cycle to ensure that our forces are always equipped with latest technology Small Arms and Light Weapons with adequate supply of ammunition and accessories. Where all shotguns, rifles and pistols made today, and much of the ammunition that they use, employ functional technology that has not changed in 100 years and longer. Most of these designs were invented by three men, John Moses Browning (1855-1926) ,Peter Paul Mauser (1838-1914) and Dr. Mikhail Kalashnikov (1919-2013)

BSS Materiel Limited undertakes to fulfill this objective by introducing advanced, new generation designs in small arms, light weapons, allied accessories and ammunition and also bring in next generation technologies, Communication on-the- Move products(COTM), Water Purification and other Equipment's using Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Femto-technology, Superconductor's, Microwave, advanced Sensor technology for Automatic Chemical Agent Detection(CBRN), Forensics Investigative tools, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Counter- Drone Technologies with High-end Surveillance Solutions using Electro Optics and leveraging - Ai, CV, ML, AR, Ss. †ing Value through Innovations.

Our Mission and Vision statement:

To create a world-class defense manufacturing hub in the country and collaborate with international domain experts as stakeholders in various capacities ranging from technology transfer partners, technology upgrade providers, training and tooling capacity for up scaling the domain knowledge and expertise, Innovate for future, develop materiel with highest standards to manufacture in India, for Made in India, Made for the World initiatives of our Hon'ble Prime Minister. "Nation First; Always First"

BSS Materiel Limited


Bharat Supply & Support of Military Materials and Equipment



  • ABYSSAL, AltF 101, 5th Floor, HN-19, New Delhi, India-1100 44
  • email@bssm.limited Fax# +91 11 48017086

© 2016 BSS Materiel Limited. All Rights Reserved. Constituent of BSS Alliance